Modena Hotel am Kurfürstendamm
Modena Hotel am Kurfürstendamm in der City West
Usually, 2 star hotels here in Charlottenburg can be booked cheaply. These favourable standard hotels, like Modena Hotel am Kurfürstendamm in City West fulfil moderate needs, including shower/WC and TV in the room. A breakfast buffet is standard and is included in the offer. Payments can be made by card.
Particularly cheap are the 1 star hotels, so-called tourist hotels. They too, have a toilet and TV in the rooms. Wake up to an extended breakfast option at this boutique Hotel in Berlin Charlottenburg. You can contact the Modena Hotel am Kurfürstendamm using the following address:
Wielandstrasse 26 in 10707 Berlin Charlottenburg
If you want to save money on travel services, you could for example, stay for one more day in Berlin and book your stay here.